Saturday, January 25, 2020

Models of Personality and Effect in Organisations

Models of Personality and Effect in Organisations Saarthak Sankalp INDEX Topic (Jump to) Personality Personality Models Predicting Personality with Social Behaviour Importance of Corporate Brand Personality Traits Role of Personality factors in Coping with Organizational Change Challenges and Concerns with Personality Assessment in Indian Context Conclusion Bibliography Personality The work personality is derived from the Latin word persona, which was used to describe the different roles or disguises performed by theatrical performers. Personality can be defined as an individual’s unique characteristic patterns of thoughts, feelings and behaviours. Gordon Allport defined personality as – â€Å"the dynamic organization within the individual of those psychophysical systems that determine his unique adjustments to his environment.† Personality Models Many models have been given by various researchers to analyse the personality. The latest personality models are as follows :- Myers-Briggs Type Index (MBTI) The MBTI is a personality ideal based on Jung’s theory of psychological kinds developed by Briggs and Myers and consists of four dimensions of preferences which are as follows:- Extroversion (E) vs Introversion (I). This dimension gives an insight about the orientation of the individual. Extroverts are said to be more concerned with the practical realities than with the inner thoughts. Introverts, though, gaze more into the inner-self and are pre-occupied with their own thoughts. Sensing (S) vs Intuition (N). Persons who have more sensing dimension rely more on that can be observed and are considered to be bent towards what is real. Persons having more intuitive dimension rely extra on their non-objective and unconscious perceptual processes. Thinking (T) vs Feeling (F). A preference for thinking indicates the individual uses more of logic and rational procedures to make decisions and action. People having more feeling dimension gave more emotional replies to events and give preference to established subjective processes. Judgment (J) vs Perception (P). The judgement-perception preferences were developed to indicate if rational or irrational judgments are dominant after a person is interacting with the environment. In decision making the judgmental person uses both the thinking and feeling, while the sensing and intuition processes are used by the perception people. The Big Five Personality Model The Big Five is the commonly used term for the model of personality which describes the five fundamental factors of our personality. It was defined independently by many researchers based on the factor-analyses of the personality traits. The five traits are commonly referred as OCEAN. The five personality traits are as follows:- Openness to Experience: It is the openness to innovative ideas, new experiences, curiosity, adventure, appreciation for emotions and art. Conscientiousness: Tendency to be coordinated and dependable, display self-discipline, target for attainment, acts dutifully and does not prefer spontaneous behaviour. Extraversion: Affirmative emotions, sociability, assertiveness, energy, talkativeness and the tendency to pursue stimulation. Agreeableness: Traits of a person who is obliging and compassionate rather than dubious and antagonistic towards others. It is additionally a measure of one’s helpful and trusting nature, and whether the person is calm and composed. Neuroticism: It refers to the degree of emotional stability and impulse control in a person. The traits to easily give in to anger, anxiety or depression. Score on all the five factors are used to describe a person’s personality Kolbe Conative Index (KCI) KCI is considered a personality model which is different from MBTI and FIRO-B as it measures instinctive behaviours of an individual that appear while that he/she tries to achieve goals. The KCI classifies the instinctive behaviours into four categories: probing, patterning, innovating and demonstrating. Each category has its corresponding ‘Action Mode’ which are as follows: Fact Finder (FF): Probing instinctive behaviour is given by this action mode. This mode is related to the information gathering. Fact finders are concerned with strategies, research and details. They establish priorities for making decision by collecting and analyzing data. Follow Through (FT): Patterning instinctive behaviour is given by this action mode. This mode is related to structure. People controlled by FT seek structure, and plan and schedules in advance. They react in a sequential manner. Quick Start (QS): Innovating instinctive behaviour is given by this action mode. This mode is related to the way to deal with risk and uncertainty. Quick starters initiate changes, take risk, and they are innovative. Implementor (IMP): Demonstrating instinctive behaviour is given by this action mode. This action mode is related to the way to handle space and tangibles. People having this action mode are good at using space and materials, develop constructs, and easily use hand on equipment. Kolbe Action Modes Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation-Behaviour (FIRO-B) Schutz developed the FIRO-B personality model. The intensity of the interpersonal needs of inclusion (I), control (C), and affection (A) are measured by this model. The individual’s social need of interaction and belongingness is defined as Inclusion. The need for power and influence is defined as Control, and can be related to leadership. The need for intimacy and friendship is defined as Affection. How much each of these three needs can be described into 2 dimensions of expressed (e) or wanted (w). The degree to which one behaves in that way toward others is defined as expressed while the degree to which one wants others to behave that way toward oneself is described as wanted. The FIRO-B model can be explained by the interaction of expressed and wanted dimensions with the three interpersonal needs, resulting in six categories of interpersonal needs as described in the figure below. Each category is measured with a 10 point scale (0-9). FIRO-B Model Latest researches related to Personality The latest researches related to personalities are as follows:- Predicting personality with social behaviour Personality is a trait which influences the behaviour of a person with other people. Social behaviour can give us a good insight about the personality of an individual as they behave showcase a normative (or normal) behaviour in social interactions. To understand this within the scope of a social behaviour, we consider the actions in the following main groups:- Nextwork Bandwidth (NET): The active involvement in the social networks, the time spent there and activity distribution (uniform or bursty). Message Content (MSG): The variety and amount of messages they are sending, whether they are the links or URLs of websites or the forwarded messages etc. Pair Behaviour (PAIR): How they behave with their friends and relatives, the statistical measures of standard deviations and average of various actions across different followers and friends. Reciprocity of actions (REC): Levels to which there actions are reciprocated by their friends. Informativeness (INF): Information that could be gained from the behaviour with the friends, whether there is same type of behaviour with every friend or whether some friends are favoured over others in specific actions. Homophily (HOM): All the previous features computed for the person’s friend to understand her social circle. Importance of Corporate brand personality traits Corporate brands create a particular image in the minds of the customers and other constituents which can help the corporate to differentiate their brand from others. A number of factors will be responsible for the corporate image like the products a company makes, the actions it takes, and the manner in which it communicates to consumers. A new very important component of corporate image is the corporate brand personality. 60 US brands have been examined and are found to fell into the following five main clusters, â€Å"(1) Sincerity, (2) Excitement, (3) Competence, (4) Sophistication and (5) Ruggedness. Corporate Personality Traits Corporate brand personality is defined as how customer perceives a particular brand – characterstics of consumers who are using it. It can be seen as a means for the customer to express what they really expect or want. Corporate brand personality is more about the perception of employees – both the customer facing and the senior management as they constitute the whole organization. It reflects the actions and values of all the employees of the organization. Corporate brand personality of a 21st century business can be grouped into three dimensions which are as follows:- Heart – It consists of two traits: compassionate and passionate. Mind – It consists of two traits: Creative and disciplined. Body – It consists of two traits: Agile and collaborative. Role of Personality factors in coping with organizational change In reference to the research paper written by R. Ravi Kumar, change is inevitable to any organization. Both external and internal factors can bring about changes to an organization. The work environment is affected to a large extent by external factor such as changing expectations about quality, customer satisfaction and new work force demographics. It is also affected by the internal factors such as the mergers and acquisitions, financial constraints and the necessity to improve productivity. Personality plays a very important role in the job performance of an individual when changes in an organization take place. The personality factors which affect the performance are as follows:- Demographic Variables Age – Age has a negative impact on any kind of change in an organization. As the age increases people don’t like change and try to resist it. Education – The level of education has a positive impact on coping with the organization changes. As more educated can handle the uncertainties better and are more ready for new challenges and opportunities. Tenure – It has negative effect on coping with changes in an organization. People who have served longer in any organization resist the change more than a newly joined. Seniority – Employees at higher level understand the importance of change better than the employees at lower level. One important reason for this is that changes are implemented with the active participation of the senior staff. Independent Variables Self Esteem – It is positively associated with coping changes in an organization. Self esteem consists of two major constituents – ‘competence’ and ‘worth’. Individuals with high self esteem handle the adverse conditions better. Optimism – People who are optimistic are able to accept the organizational change better than pessimistic people. They are able to deal with the adversities with more strength and perseverance. Perceived Control – It is the belief that one can determine one’s own internal state and behaviour, influence one’s environment and/or bring about the desired outcomes. Change Self- Efficacy – There is a very little difference between self efficacy and self esteem. People having self efficacy feel confident in adverse situations. Self-efficacy is their perceived ability to handle change in a given situation to function better. Challenges and Concerns with Personality Assessments in Indian Context In the modern business, personality assessments as part of recruitment process have become vital for the selection of the right candidate matching the organizational objectives. They provide inputs which could be used for the 360 degree feedback and to measure their performance in the organization. In entry level roles like sales and customer relationship personnel in finance, banking and insurance sector, personality is a very important discriminator for job-success. So, there is a huge need for these personality assessments. These days many multi- national companies are conducting non-Indian personality solutions for recruitment in India. But there are many challenges faced by these International solutions in Indian context which are as follows:- Problems in understanding English – The level of English in these international personality assessments is quite is high and most of the Indians are not able to comprehend the exact meaning of the words. For example, a typical question will ask a candidate to choose between sympathetic and empathetic. Most of the candidates could not differentiate between these words. Not in context with Indian Population – Many questions are out of context for the Indian population. One of the questions in such an assessment asks whether they would prefer a holiday in Las Vegas. Average Indian does not understand what it means to have a vacation there. Not in context with entry level candidates – The questions in theses assessments pose situations which favour the candidates who have already worked in that area before, which makes it very difficult for an entry level candidate to get selected. No consideration for cultural differences – People in the west use words like ‘Thank you’ and ‘sorry’ much more frequently than Indians. But that doesn’t mean those Indians which don’t use these words that frequently are any less polite. The assessments fail to understand such socio-economic and cultural differences of India. Not much use for recruitment with little validation – Many such inventories being used have not been validated if they are suitable for job recruitment. Also, some of them are very easy to fake in the process. Conclusion Personality gives a very coherent picture of an individual’s psychological behaviour and differences. It also gives an insight about the human nature and the similarities between them. A lot about personality can be perceived from the social behaviour of an individual. In modern business personality plays a very important role in assessing the right candidate for the right job profile. Performance of an individual in any organization is also dependent on his personality traits. Bibliography Ki-Young Jeong, Bozkurt, Ipek, Sunkara, Surya T.(2012). Creative effective project teams using personality models. Northeast Region Decision Sciences Institute (NEDSI) Proceeding, p403-414. Pittenger, David J. (1993). Measuring the MBTI†¦ And coming up short. Journal of Career Planning and Employment, v54 n1 p48-52. Adali, S., Golbeck, J. (2012). Predicting Personality with Social Behavior. Advances in Social Network Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), IEEE/ACM International Conference, p302-309. Keller, Kevin Lane, Richey, Keith. (2006). The importance of corporate brand personality traits to a successful 21st century business. Journal of Brand Management, Vol.14 Issue  ½, p74-81. Young-Ei Kim, Jung-Wan Lee Yong-Ki Lee. (2008). Relationship between Brand Personality and the Personality of Consumers, and its Application to Corporate Branding Strategy, Journal of Global Academy of Marketing Science, 18:3, p27-57 R. Ravi Kumar, T.J. Kamalanabhan. (2005).The role of personality factors in coping with organizational change. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, Vol. 13 Issue 2 p.175 – 192. Aggarwal, Varun. (2009). Challenges and Concerns with International Personality Assessments. Retrieved from the Aspiring Minds website: Major, Debra A., Turner Jonathan E., Fletcher Thomas D. (2006). Linking Proactive Personality and the Big Five to Motivation to Learn and Development Activity. Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 91, No. 4, 927-935.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Social Media About Muslims

SoRef. No: H00144879 Short Essay Tutorial: Online Learning Teacher: Kristina Rajic Critical Writing & Analysis (C07CW) Impact of Social Media on Islam and Muslims Susan Ward defines Social media as a type of online media that expedites conversation as opposed to traditional media, which delivers content but doesn't allow readers/viewers/listeners to participate in the creation or development of the content. Some of the common examples of social media are Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. There is a wide variety of social medias’ in the Internet. People get more attention to the things that are being shared from YouTube and Flickr nd posting them through Facebook or LinkedIn or MySpace. Social Networking sites spread news all over the globe very quickly and swiftly. According to Suzy Ismail â€Å"Social Media and networking sites must have and has definitely changed the spread of Islam and the perception of Muslims in the minds of many people around the world†, especiall y and mostly in the US and India. After the 9/11 bombings and destruction of the Twin Towers by Bin Laden, the growth of electronic and, in particular, social media has had an impact on the lives of Muslims around the world. According to Khurram T. Dara (2011) â€Å"every scandal, controversy, or violent errorist attack perpetrated by Muslims is put under the microscope.† He does not mean that the media has been trying to willingly to spread stories one way or another about Muslims in US and the world. â€Å"Of course, you have commentators and networks out there with agendas they want to push, but for the most part the impact the media has had comes in its evolution into a 24/7 industry. Everything is covered, regardless of whether it is quality journalism from reliable sources. † (Dara, 2011) Social Media played a crucial role in the way Muslims and Islam have been perceived over the years. Suzy Ismail continues, â€Å"It would be tough for nyone to say that they ha ve not ‘heard’ of Islam with the amount of coverage that our deen has received in the recent years through so many different media outlets†. Further on she adds that Muslims have been vilified and simultaneously victimized especially after 9/11 in America. â€Å"There seems to be two extreme reactions to the deen itself. One is which is sincere curiosity and interest that motivates education and the other is blind hatred and misunderstanding that leads to scapegoating and stereotyping. †(Suzy Ismail) Social media presents a big opportunity to reach out to people who may not even know about Islam or Muslims. Thousands f Americans have never met a Muslim but they have access through social media. In Texas, an event was set up where a Muslim woman is refused service in a bakery just because she has worn a headscarf. ABC News Hidden camera experiments THIS and the purpose is to see what people’s reaction would be, which was quite surprising. Recently in the last few weeks, a controversial American- ­? made trailer of an Anti- ­? Islam video called Innocence Of Muslims has ignited protests across the Muslim world and continues to grow. It is just a trailer for a supposed future- ­? length film that was uploaded in YouTube a few weeks back in America by a an named Nakula Basseley Nakoula a. k. a Sam Bacile who is thought to be the writer, producer and promoter of the video. The Social Media raises complex questions about the freedom of speech in America (Ruth Startman, 2012). Social Media has played a vital role in the rapid spread of this video around the world by sharing it through Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.Many Muslim countries removed this video from their network, however the video still remains undeleted in America and other Non- ­? Muslim regions of the world. Twitter and Facebook have been undoubtedly the two networking sites with the most active Muslim users. These sites ave allowed us to connect with many imp ortant persons such as Imams and Sheiks, Political Leaders and so on†¦. Some people are also there to cast a negative vote on Islam and are online just to do so. It can be overwhelming to not care about it, but we need to remember that social media has also given us the strength and the platform to express ourselves. In other ways, we can increase the positive impact of Social Media on the portrayal of Islam and Muslims by being more active online and by having lot of faith on Islam. (Dara, 2011) Social media is a great tool, which can be well used to spread â€Å"Love†, or abused to spread â€Å"hatred†.Let us choose â€Å"love† as every religion of the world is themed to promote â€Å"love† among mankind. No matter what, â€Å"love† will always prevail as it is upon which everything in life is centered and without which there is no meaning in life. REFERENCES: †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Ward, Susan; Social Media Definition [online]. Ava ilable from: http://sbinfocanada. about. com/od/socialmedia/g/soci almedia. htm   (Accessed 28 Sept 2012) Salman, Javeria; Impact of Media and Social Media on Islam and Muslims [online]. Available at: http://islamicstudies. islammessage. com/Article. aspx? aid=678   (Accessed 28 Sept 2012) Dara, T. Khurram (2011) The Crescent Drive: ANESSAY ON IMPROVING THE IMAGE OF ISLAM IN AMERICA, Tensile. (Accessed 28 Sept 2012) ABC News hidden camera experiments – Racism in America â€Å"What would you do? † (Online video) Available at: http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=UtWuOvdLRX4 (Accessed 28 Sept 2012) Innocence of Muslims, 2012 (online video) Available at: http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=gORgR7UiXgY (Accessed 28 Sept 2012) Starkman, Ruth (2012); It’s All the Rage: ‘The Innocence of Muslims,’ Social Media, and Free Speech† (online) Available At: http://www. huffingtonpost. com/ruth- ­? starkman/its- ­? all- ­? the- ­? rage- ­? the- ­? inno_b_1906050. html    (Accessed 28 Sept 2012) †¢ †¢

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Aristotle s Rhetorical Rhetoric On The Human Soul

Aristotle’s Rhetorical Rhetoric Aristotle, a famous philosopher, is one of the most renowned Greek scholars, and was an influential force in ancient Greece and in modern society. He was the head of the Macedon royal academy, where he taught Alexander the Great, his most famous pupil. He founded the famous Lyceum in Athens later in his life, which is portrayed in Raphael’s painting â€Å"School of Athens.† Aristotle is known for his interest in nature and science, and his emphasis on empirical evidence to prove his points has become the keystone of modern scientific research. As a result, one of the topics he studied is the cause of human difference. He discusses in Book I of his series Politics the nature of the human soul and how different†¦show more content†¦Such an egotistical belief is expressed when Aristotle describes how â€Å"the soul rules the body with a despotical rule, whereas the intellect rules the appetites with a constitutional and roya l rule† (Aristotle, 5). By drawing a relationship between the intellect and fair rule, Aristotle appeals to the Greeks: if their form of government is truly the best, then Aristotle’s vision of the model citizen must be as well. Similarly, Aristotle’s descriptions of the superiority and inferiority of certain groups are also dependent on his familiarity with each group. Since Plato’s Academy, which preached an â€Å"elitist† philosophy (Welch, Marshall and Billig, 10), was mostly male (Reeve), Aristotle ranks males over females, fathers over mothers, and husbands over wives. Similarly, Aristotle places masters over slaves as he was a free citizen living among other free citizens; by corollary of such an authority-based dynamic, he also ranks natural rulers above subjects. Finally, as Aristotle had only lived in Greece before Politics was published, he had no personal exposure to the â€Å"barbarian† Persians, and thus stated that Hellenes, a term describing all Greeks unified together, were superior to the Persians ( These explanations are not grounded in any sort of empirical evidence; rather, Aristotle classifies groups’ statuses

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

New York University Acceptance Rate, SAT/ACT Scores, GPA

New York University is a highly selective private university with an acceptance rate of just 28%. If you are considering applying to NYU, the SAT score, ACT score, and GPA information presented here can help you judge your admission chances. Why New York University? Location: New York, New York Campus Features: Located in Manhattans Greenwich Village, NYUs campus occupies some of the most expensive real estate in the country. Housing is guaranteed for four years.Student/Faculty Ratio: 9:1Athletics: The NYU Violets compete in the NCAA Division III University Athletic Association.Highlights: NYU is one of the largest private universities in the country. The school offers over 230 fields of study and ranks among the top New York colleges. NYU has additional campuses in Abu Dhabi and Shanghai. Acceptance Rate For students entering in the 2017-18 academic year, New York University had an acceptance rate of 28%. This means that for every 100 applicants, 28 were admitted and 72 received rejection letters. NYUs admissions are highly selective and successful applicants tend to have academic measures that are well above average. Admissions Statistics (2017-18) Number of Applicants 64,007 Percent Admitted 28% Percent Admitted Who Enrolled 34% SAT Scores and Requirements New York University requires standardized test results from all applicants, and the most popular option is the SAT. For students who entered NYU in the 2017-18 academic year, 59% submitted SAT scores. NYU SAT Range (Admitted Students) Section 25th Percentile 75th Percentile ERW 650 730 Math 640 760 ERW=Evidence-Based Reading and Writing The great majority of admitted NYU students have SAT scores that are in the top 20% of all test-takers. For the evidence-based reading part of the exam, 50% of admitted students scored between 650 and 730 with 25% scoring at or below 650. Students in the top quartile scored at or above 730. On the math section, the middle 50% of students scored between 640 and 760 with the lower 25% scoring at or below 640, and the top 25% scoring at or above 760. Your chances will be best at the upper end of these score ranges, and students who have a combined SAT score of 1490 or higher will be particularly competitive at New York University. If you compare SAT scores for top New York colleges, youll see that only a few highly selective colleges—Columbia, Cornell, Hamilton, and Vassar—are more selective than NYU. Requirements NYU does not require the SAT writing section. The university will super score the SAT, so applicants who have taken the exam more than once can use the College Boards Score Choice option to submit only their highest scores. Note that NYU does not require SAT Subject Tests, but applicants can choose to submit three subject test scores in place of scores from the regular SAT. Be sure to check out all of NYUs standardized testing options to figure out what approach will work best for you. ACT Scores and Requirements Among NYUs many standardized testing options, the ACT is quite popular. For students who entered the university in the 2017-18 academic year, 47% submitted ACT scores. NYU ACT Range (Admitted Students) Section 25th Percentile 75th Percentile English 29 33 Math Not Reported Not Reported Composite Not Reported Not Reported New York University does not provide a breakdown of ACT scores for the math, English, and science sections of the exam, but the composite score data shows us that most of NYUs admitted students are in the top 9% of test-takers. The middle 50% of admitted students scored between 29 and 33, while the bottom 25% scored at or below a 29, and the top quartile scored at or above a 33. Requirements NYU does not require the ACT writing exam. If you took the ACT more than once, NYU will take your highest scores from each section of the exam and create a new super-scored composite score for you. GPA NYUs Common Data Set from 2017-18 reveals that the average GPA of all first-time, first-year students was a 3.66. 41% of all entering students had a GPA of 3.75 or higher, while 28% were in the 3.5 to 3.74 range. Only 3% of applicants were admitted with a GPA below 3.0, so high grades are clearly an extremely important part of a successful NYU application. In fact, 100% of admitted students ranked in the top 25% of their graduating class, and the great majority of admitted applicants are A students. Self-Reported GPA/SAT/ACT Graph Graph of NYU Applicants Self-Reported GPA, SAT Score, and ACT Score Data. Data courtesy of Cappex The admissions data in the graph is self-reported by applicants to NYU. GPAs are unweighted. Find out how you compare to accepted students, see the real-time graph, and calculate your chances of getting in with a free Cappex account. Admissions Chances New York University is highly selective with a low acceptance rate and standardized test scores that are well above average. To be admitted, youre most likely going to need the full package: A grades, high SAT/ACT scores, and impressive accomplishments outside of the classroom. You will notice from the graph above that a few students were accepted with test scores and grades below the norm. NYU has holistic admissions, so the admissions officers are evaluating students based on more than numerical data. Students who show some kind of remarkable talent or have a compelling story to tell will often get a close look even if grades and test scores arent up to the ideal. Also, because NYU is a diverse, international university, many applicants are coming from countries that have different grading systems than U.S. schools. The university is a member of the Common Application, a widely used application that provides plenty of opportunities for you to share information other than numerical grade and test score data. Letters of recommendation,  the Common Application essay, and your extracurricular activities will all play a role in the admissions process. Students applying to the Steinhardt School or Tisch School of the Arts will have additional artistic requirements for admission. The university does not typically conduct interviews as part of the admissions process, although admissions staff may invite some candidates to interview if they feel a conversation would aid them in making an admissions decision. Finally, like all selective colleges, New York University will be looking at the rigor of your high school curriculum, not just your grades. Success in challenging AP, IB, Honors, and Dual Enrollment classes can all improve your chances of being admitted, for these courses represent some of the best predictors of college success. Sources: Graph courtesy of Cappex; all other admissions data has been sourced from the National Center for Education Statistics and the New York University admissions website.